St. Paul Lutheran Church exists to celebrate our freedom from sin, death, and hell through Christ; to nurture our church family with God's Word and Sacrament for lives of service to Him; and joyfully to share this good news of our salvation with the world around us (Matthew 28:18-20).
Pastor Ben Enstad
Hi! I’m Pastor Enstad. I’m brand new here at St. Paul, joining the team in June 2022. Prior to my time here at St. Paul, I served a congregation in rural Door County, WI for 13 years.
There may be some pastors who can easily pick out their favorite passage. I don't know if I can say I have one favorite, but there are a lot I cherish. One of those passages is Psalm 46:10—Be still and know that I am God… I know I need this reminder daily, and I bet you do too. It emphasizes so well what Paul writes in Romans 8:28—And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Besides being a minister of the gospel, I’m a husband and dad. I love my family and spending time with them our Green Bay community. I’m also a bit of a jack of all trades and master of none. I love to hunt, fish, shoot, wrench, woodworking and anything to do with cars. I also love the arts, am a bit of a gastro-snob, and love my history books on Audible. Anyways, chances are good there’s at least one thing we can relate on, and I’d love to get to know you and be God’s servant to bring you closer to your Savior, Jesus.
Pastor Jon Zabell
Pastor Jon Zabell's ministry began in Omaha, Nebraska, and he's been serving at St. Paul in Green Bay since 2006. He serves our national church body as chair of the Commission on Worship, and he serves on the administrative team of our synod's Northern Wisconsin District.
His wife Julie teaches 3 and 4 year old students at St. Paul School. Their oldest son Eric is a pastor in California. Their sons Isaiah and Jacob have recently married and are students at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon. Their youngest, Meg, is pursuing a teaching degree at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota. Jon enjoys spending time with his family and friends, early morning swims, and playing piano. When they're able, he and Julie love to travel overseas.
Staff Minister Peter Schaewe
Peter Schaewe is the son of Pastor Edward and Sharon Schaewe and was born in Marshfield, WI. He and his 3 brothers and 1 sister found it exciting to grow up moving from place to place as the son of a minister, who served congregations in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Peter attended high school at Michigan Lutheran Seminary in Saginaw, MI, and went on to Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN, to become a teacher.
After graduating, he was assigned to teach grades 3 and 4 at Peace Lutheran School in Hartford, WI, where he served for seven years. He also taught at St. John’s Lutheran in Watertown, WI, for three years before going back to school to pursue a degree in Fine Art – Painting and Drawing.
After two years of art school, he was called to serve St. John, Jefferson, WI, where he taught 4th grade for five years and then transitioned into a staff ministry role. His thirteen years of staff ministry experience in Jefferson focused on worship planning, music coordinating, communication, and art teaching for grades K-8.
In 2017 Peter accepted a call to serve as staff minister at St. Paul, Green Bay, where he continues to carry out many of those same responsibilities. He especially enjoys teaching Bible classes and the occasional art class in addition to directing choir, playing organ, and planning worship.