Where are we located?
St. Paul Lutheran Church is located on the corner of Mason and Webster streets in Green Bay.
When is Worship?
Sunday Mornings - 8:00 & 10:30 AM
Monday Nights - 6:30 PM
Where can I park?
There are two entrances into our parking lot. There is a small driveway next to our church sign on the corner of Mason and Webster. The other is off of Clay Street. You may also park on the streets around church as permitted by posted signs.
Where do I go when I get there?
Due to our construction project, the only way to enter our building for now is from the Clay St. side of the building.
Any helpful tips for while I'm in church?
Check this link.
What is Bible Hour?
Between Sunday morning services at 9:15 am, we offer Bible Hour. There is something for all ages. Everybody gathers in the church fellowship hall (lower level) for snacks and opening prayer, then we divide up into groups from there, Kids, Teens, Adults. All are welcome!
Have other questions? Please contact us for more information!
St. Paul / San Pablo Lutheran Church and School
514 S. Clay St.
Green Bay, WI 54301
Phone: (920) 435-8468
Para Español: 920-217-2704
Sunday Mornings - 8:00 & 10:30 AM
Monday Nights - 6:30 PM
Bible Hour: 9:15 am
Classes for every age group, and free childcare available