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We see love all around us. We see it in the dedication and sacrifice parents make for their children. We see it in the willingness among many Ukrainians to risk their lives for their country. We can’t help but remember the source of all love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 John 4:10). So loved by God, how can we help but pray for and support growing opportunities for gospel proclamation at St. Paul for generations to come?

On October 17th, 2021 we set a goal for ourselves: $1 million in combined pledges and gifts by April 17th, 2022, Easter Sunday. See how God’s love has kindled loving responses in our hearts! As of February 28th, we’ve reached $532,012 - each pledge, each gift given in thanks to God. Now we’re in the final stretch. Together, under God’s blessing, we can do it!

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