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Built on the Rock June 2023 Building Project Update


"By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care." 1 Corinthians 3:10. As construction on our building project progresses, the importance of the foundation remains. A solid foundation means the building will hold. It's true also in our life of faith. Whatever we do to serve God and others, whatever we do to build the body of believers, we need Jesus Christ alone as our foundation: his forgiveness, his peace, his gift of life. Build there, fellow believers, and the building will hold.


As of June 4th, some of the basement block walls and doorways are now in place. In the video below you can take a tour past those walls and through those doorways.


As of today we're still on track for completion of Phase 1 by December 1st of this year. Here's our most up-to-date timeline for what's happening between now and then.

o June 5th - basement enclosed

o June 7th - first floor masonry work

o June 26th - first floor enclosed

o June 27th - second floor masonry work

o July 17th - bar joist (roof support) is in place

o August 1st - window frames

o August 1st - rooftop heating / AC units are in place

o August 1st - exterior masonry

o August 15th - weather tight

o December 1st - completion date, God willing

For a refresher on what's being done in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this project, check out our building project web page:


Here's the latest on Built on the Rock gifts and pledges. The Lord be praised for moving so many hearts to give so generously! If you'd like to update a gift or pledge, you'll find links at our building project web page:

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