Pastor Jon Zabell has returned his call to serve as pastor at Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Church in Carlsbad, California. He writes:
Dear Members of St. Paul,
Having prayerfully deliberated the divine call which the Lord has extended to me to serve as pastor at Beautiful Saviour and the call I currently hold to serve as pastor at St. Paul in Green Bay, I have chosen to continue my service in the ministry at St. Paul in Green Bay.
I’m thankful for your prayers and conversations with me during this time of deliberation. I am confident together with you that the Lord Jesus will continue to work good things among his people in both congregations as he promises: God placed all things under Christ’s feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way (Ephesians 1:22,23).
Julie and I are looking forward to continued service here at St. Paul, and we’ll continue praying for the people of Beautiful Saviour Lutheran as they await the man the Lord has in mind for them.
In Christ our Risen Savior,
Jon F. Zabell