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CALL NEWS update

Mr. Aaron Wellhoefer has accepted the provisional one-year call to teach 5th grade and serve as assistant athletic director.

Mr. Stephen Miller has finished his synodical certification and has accepted the permanent call to serve as principal.

Mr. Jared Brennan, our 7th-8th grade teacher, has received a call to serve at Christ the Lord Lutheran School in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Keep Mr. Brennan in your prayers as he deliberates the call to serve.

Mr. Clair Jammer, our current 6th grade teacher, announced his retirement at the end of our current school year.



Dear fellow members of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School,

This past Tuesday (11/12) evening I received a call to teach at Christ the Lord Lutheran School in Brookfield, WI. Over the next few weeks I will be deliberating my calls: the current one I hold extended by all of you in 2021 here at St. Paul Lutheran, and this new call to Christ the Lord. Throughout this deliberation I welcome any conversation, information, or words of advice you may have. I look forward to the deeper reflection of my service to God here at St. Paul, and how we can continue that work together. I also look forward to considering what new paths of service to our Father in heaven may be revealed through a call to Christ the Lord Lutheran school.

God’s blessings and thank you for your time.

Your Brother in Christ,

Jared Brennan


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the past week as I deliberated the divine call extended to me. Knowing that God has a plan for my future, I trust that He is leading me in the right direction. After prayerful consideration, the Lord has led me to accept the call to be the fifth grade teacher and assistant athletic director at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School.

In His Service,

Aaron Wellhoefer


Dear fellow members of St. Paul,

Proverbs 3:5-6 states, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight"

On October 27, 2024, I received a divine call to serve as your principal. I am thankful to everyone who has taken the time to speak to me about this call. A divine call is a time to reflect on the gifts God has given each of us and evaluate how we can best serve Him and His church on earth. Two and a half years ago, when I received a provisional call to serve as principal, I thought I knew what I would be stepping into. Serving as Principal has given me many more blessings than anticipated. I have been inspired by the work of the Holy Spirit in our children and families, strengthened in my faith by my fellow called workers, and inspired by our congregation's faithful support and generosity. God has blessed us with great staff, students, families, and support at St. Paul, blessings that I pray we never take for granted. After prayer and careful deliberation, I accept the call to continue serving as your principal.

Thank you for entrusting me with this responsibility. I know God will continue to bless the efforts of our congregation and school. I look forward to our continued shared kingdom work as we continue to spread God’s plan for salvation with those He places in our path. Please continue to keep the ministry at St. Paul in your prayers.

In Christ,

Stephen Miller


Dear Members of St. Paul Lutheran,

After 42 years of serving at Trinity Lutheran in Nicollet, MN, and here at St. Paul Lutheran, Green Bay, WI, I have decided to retire from the teaching ministry at the end of June 2025. The Lord has certainly blessed me in countless ways over the years. I am thankful for being able to serve with many dedicated people - fellow called workers, staff members, congregational members, school families. I am especially thankful for the opportunity to daily share the Gospel message with students in all aspects of the classroom and school day. Every day we place our trust in God and his will for us. As we move forward, I know God will continue to guide and bless the ministry here at St. Paul and my future as well.

In His service,

Clair L. Jammer

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