Mrs. Heather Sulzle of Emanuel Lutheran School, New London, has come to a decision on her Call to teach 5th grade at St. Paul. She writes:
Dear St. Paul Lutheran,
Grace and peace in the Lord! After prayerful consideration, I have been lead to return the Call to serve God’s people at St. Paul and remain at my current Call at Emanuel. It is clear that St. Paul has been blessed with faithful servants as many people have reached out to me with encouragement and prayers. I have learned of the many ways that the Lord has bestowed his grace upon your ministry, and I am confident that he will continue to do so. Considering a Call is a blessing as it gives a wonderful opportunity to see how the Lord is growing his Church throughout his Kingdom. I can rejoice with the apostle Paul and say also of you, “ I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” (I Corinthians 3:4). May God continue to bless his Church through your faithful ministry!
In our Lord’s service,
Heather Sulzle
We're grateful for Mrs. Sulzle's prayerful consideration, and we pray for the Lord's continued blessings on her service at Emanuel Lutheran School.
We trust the Lord of the Church to provide for the needs of our gospel ministry in whatever way is best. A call meeting for the voters of St. Paul has been scheduled for Monday, January 27th, 7:30 p.m. We'll be calling for both a 7th grade teacher and a 5th grade teacher at St. Paul school.