Mr. Jared Brennan, our 7th-8th grade teacher, has arrived at a decision on the call he received to serve at Divine Savior Lutheran Academy in Doral, Florida. You can read his letter to our congregation below.
In other call news, our 5th grade teacher Mr. Aaron Wellhoefer has accepted another one-year renewable call to serve at St. Paul for the 2024-2025 school year, and Principal Stephen Miller is still considering his one-year renewable call to serve at St. Paul for the 2024-2025 school year.
Both Mr. Wellhoefer and Mr. Miller receive one-year renewable calls because while each has all the credentials needed for teaching and administration, each of them is also in the process of acquiring WELS certification for their roles at St. Paul.
We're grateful to know that Mr. Wellhoefer and Mr. Brennan are planning to continue their ministries here at St. Paul, and we know the Lord will bless their decisions and all who are impacted by them. We continue to pray for Mr. Miller as he deliberates his call to serve another year at St. Paul. He is open to feedback you may have for him as he deliberates.
Here is Mr. Brenann's letter to the congregation:
Dear Congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church;
After my deliberation these past few weeks I would like to thank all of you for your patience, prayers, and your willingness to talk and listen. While I am thankful for Divine Savior Academy's call, as it offered a time of reflection I may not have taken, I do not believe that I can best serve God there at this time. I have chosen to return my call to Divine Savior Academy. I look forward to continuing our work here at St. Paul Lutheran together. May God continue to bless our work each day.
Your Brother in Christ;
Jared Brennan